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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Etzi Competition Analyzer Pro

If you're trying to make your Etsy Listings rank to the top of both Google & Etsy, then you're DEFINITELY going to need this POWERFUL little to help give you the UNFAIR ADVANTAGE over your other Etsy Competitors!!!

If you've been struggling to figure out which keywords to include in your Etsy Tags - Titles, Descriptions, Meta Tags, then this tool will give you all of those answers for your products listings!

Etsy Competition Analyzer Pro tells you which keywords are easiest to make it to the 1st page of Etsy by telling you the "Strength of Competition" for each keyword! Knowing which keywords are easiest to make it to the 1st page of Etsy will help you to out-rank your Etsy Competitors, drive more traffic to your Etsy Listings, & generate more sales for your products listed on Etsy! 

If I were you, I would DEFINITELY consider this tool as a POWERFUL option to accomplishing your Etsy SEO goals! Yes, "Etsy Competition Analyzer Pro" gives you inside information that even your competitors WILL NOT know about!



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Etzi Keyword Driller Pro

Etzi Keyword Driller Pro
Find what your Etsy Buyers are typing into the Etsy search engine!!!

Etzi Competition Analyzer Pro

Etzi Competition Analyzer Pro
Find The Strength of Your Etsy Competition!!!